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How to use Finnish sauna

How to use Infraworld finnish sauna

The Finnish sauna is ideal for relaxation and regeneration, offering numerous benefits for both body and mind. The hot, dry air helps detoxify the body, strengthens the immune system, and supports circulatory regeneration. Proper preparation, such as showering, and gradual adaptation are important during use.
After the sauna session, cooling down and resting are recommended. While the Finnish sauna provides many health benefits, it is not suitable for certain medical conditions, and adequate hydration is essential. Regular sauna sessions can promote harmony and improve quality of life.

Bathing in a Finnish sauna is not only about relaxation but also about recreation, helping to preserve the health both of your body and your soul. The sauna helps to eliminate all the toxins and waste products stored in your body and to regenerate the venous system, therefore, it improves your health and your body’s power of resistance. The hot and dry air of the sauna kills the bacteria and viruses.

How to use the Finnish Sauna:

• To clean your skin take a shower before entering the finnish sauna. Dry your body carefully.
• Spread a towel on the sauna bench, on which you wish to sit.
• It is crucial to stay in the cabin only as long as it feels good. The physiologically proposed bathing period is 8-15 minutes, 4-8 minutes is recommended for beginners.

• Beginners should sit on a lower bench, where the temperature is not so high.

• After taking the finnish sauna, cool down your body with a refreshing shower or a dip in the plunge pool.
• Take a rest lasting at least for half an hour before returning to the sauna.
• You may go back to the heat a few times. A general treatment takes three bathing periods. 
• To maximize the benefits of your sauna, ensure you stay well-hydrated throughout the session.
• Sauna sessions can be an excellent way to promote relaxation and support your overall health, but always listen to your body and avoid staying too long if you feel uncomfortable.

What one should consider when sitting in a finnish sauna are the following:

• High temperature is not recommended under the age of 6.
• Those who have problems with the functioning of their body’s thermostatizing, as well as those who suffer from cardiovascular disease should avoid this form of refreshment.
• Avoid the sauna right after meals and if you have consumed alcohol.
• To replace the lost fluid from the body, ample fluid intake is recommended at the end of the sauna treatment.
• If you wish to lead a healthier life, why not to start with one sauna bathing per month. Of course, it can also help if you
watch what you eat, do sport on a regular basis and avoid stressful life situations.

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