Online sauna survey

iSauna Design Home

We build the Future!


Switch to custom design, premium finish with the iSauna team!

Every concept is unique, just like your iSauna wellness sauna house.

Whether it's your property, your waterfront plot, your garden or your terrace, we can design your sauna house to suit your individuality!

See details

Design and manufacture of custom saunas, wellness houses, outdoor sauna houses

Our Family Manufactory opened its doors in 2004

In the beginning, the main profile of our company was the production and sale of individual indoor & outdoor saunas. Later on, the idea of wellness sauna houses or comfort sauna houses was more and more frequently raised among the market demands. Thanks to the outstanding designers and experienced professionals of our company, we have managed to open a new dimension in the chapter of building a unique outdoor sauna house.

Thanks to our re-thought production technology, we now offer our customers top quality thanks to the most innovative technologies, industrial-grade machinery, digital quality control systems and customised solutions. As a symbol of our manufactory's 20 years of international experience, we wanted to give our beloved customers something truly complex. This is how the NEW iSauna Design Home range was born.

Make a real value-added investment!

You are facing an important decision, so take into account the prices offered by this market segment, the content of the products and the services behind them. Don't settle for one price; beware from offers that seem to be advantageous in the short term or from the low quality of mass-produced products. If the quality and long-term satisfaction are your priorities, our family manufactories can help you to achieve this.

20 years of internacional experience * A Hungarian owned family manufacture * 5 year warranty with an outstanding service network * Obligation free factory visit * Internacional TÜV license * Unique smart control with app * A+ category, selected timber * Liability insurance * Contact protection declaration * Installation of products complying with EU standards * Thermal camera measurement and documentation * Transparent price offers in person * Individual design * Technical design * 3D visual design, animation * Professional execution, manual work * On-site delivery, instruction of use

See our product range

Our family manufactory has been developing and expanding since 2004.
iSauna already serves customers in many European countries, who wishes to live a healhier life.
The iSauna team is pushing the boundaries, to create aesthetically and functionally perfect products.
Our products are only made from high-quality raw materials, and with a high level of competence.


On-site survey

We provide a free on-site survey in case of order.


Conscious planning

Our engineering design team will design your new mobile home with unique creativity.


Precise implementation

Our experts use modern mechanised technology to build our mobile homes.


Turnkey installation

We deliver our products turnkey with fast on-site work.

Total comfort

The 4-season usability of the building is guaranteed by state-of-the-art insulation, glazing, shading techniques, modern mobile air-conditioning and energy-efficient electric underfloor heating!

Professional windows and doors 

Access is provided by aluminium sliding door systems, which not only provide longevity and a modern look, but also a great panoramic view!

Premium raw materials

We use high quality materials for the construction of houses at the structural level, as well as for cladding, shading and all wood elements, providing durability and premium composition for our customers.

  1. Do you have a unique style?
  2. Don't like the usual?
  3. Contact us with confidence!
  1. We will contact you with more information about our saunas and wellness houses. Chek out our new service: the online sauna survey!
  1. Be our guest for a no-obligation factory visit and let's take a look behind the scenes together.
  1. Let's design your future sauna or wellness house together based on your individual ideas.
  1. After you place your order, we keep you informed about the production process with videos and photos.

Read our clients' positive reviews and experience premium quality firsthand at our manufactory!

Friedrich Hohenberg
2024. Apr. 24
„Unsere maßgeschneiderte Sauna ist zugleich modern und naturnah. Die Verwendung energieeffizienter Systeme und hochwertiger Holzmaterialien gewährleistet nicht nur Komfort, sondern auch Nachhaltigkeit. Es ist selten, dass jemand die Bedürfnisse eines Kunden so tief versteht und sie sogar übertrifft!“
Kemény Tamás
2024. Sep. 19
„Egyedi kültéri szaunaházunk minden várakozásunkat felülmúlta. Az építés során a részletekre való figyelem és a minőségi anyaghasználat egyszerre tükrözte a modern dizájnt és a természet közelségét. A Balaton-parti környezethez tökéletesen illeszkedő megoldás született. Köszönjük a precíz és rugalmas hozzáállást!”
Marvin Herrmann
2024. Aug. 07
"Vorerst möchten wir ein großes Lob und ein sehr großes Dankeschön an Sie und Ihr Team ausrichten – wir waren und sind von den bisherigen Ergebnissen sehr beeindruckt. Über Ihre Überraschung (Video) haben wir uns sehr gefreut – es wirkt extrem realistisch. Einfach großartig!"
Július Suvert
2021. Apr. 15
Pre náš rodinný dom vo výstavbe na Slovensku sme chceli fínsku saunu a priateľ nám odporučil vašu spoločnosť. Už pri prvom rozhovore ste nás presvedčili, že doplnenie fínskej sauny o infrasaunu a terapiu himalájskou soľou bude rozumnou voľbou. Každý člen našej rodiny si môže naplno užívať rôzne funkcie. Sme veľmi spokojní a dúfame, že vďaka nášmu odporúčaniu nájde radosť z tohto ručne vyrábaného maďarského výrobku viac maďarských rodín na Slovensku.
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